Other News

Relaxing Shouldn’t be Harmful:  How African-American Women Can Grow Healthy, Relaxed Hair.

Relaxing Shouldn’t be Harmful: How African-American Women Can Grow Healthy, Relaxed Hair.

Uncategorized November 17, 2012 at 3:09 pm Comments are Disabled

By Quisan Taylor-Lawhon; Mosaic Staff Writer– It has only been two weeks since you’ve left home. You packed up all your clothes, supplies, and some food and now your four walls are shared with a roommate or three. Now the second weekend is here and your mind can’t think of what else to do. Every scarf has been twisted andRead More

Sports Op-Ed: Headgear for Protection, Not Pretension

Sports Op-Ed: Headgear for Protection, Not Pretension

Sports November 17, 2012 at 12:30 pm Comments are Disabled

By Georgi DeMartino; Mosaic Staff Writer-Roughly 300,000 football-related concussions occur each year, according to totalinjury.com. Such a statistic raises the question-shouldn’t that have more of an influence on helmet regulations, especially within the National Football League? According to an article in the New York Times, apparently not. Though there seem to be rules for just about everything within the NFL,Read More

Media Credit: MCT Campus

The New 2015 MCAT-Good Medicine for Shaping Tomorrow’s Doctors, or a Tough Pill for Pre-Meds to Swallow?

Uncategorized November 17, 2012 at 11:55 am Comments are Disabled

*Official Press Release from Kaplan Test Prep* New York, NY (November 1, 2012) – According to Kaplan Test Prep’s 2012 survey of medical school admissions officers*, the vastly revamped MCAT set to launch in 2015 has the strong support of an important segment of the medical education community.  Nearly 9 out of 10 (87%) medical school admissions officers support theRead More

Media Credit: usnavyjeep.blogspot.com

Holiday Hysteria: How Soon is Too Soon for Christmas Decorations?

Op-Ed November 17, 2012 at 11:25 am Comments are Disabled

By Brittany Lauro; Mosaic Co-Editor-in-Chief– ‘Twas 39 days before Christmas when all through the shops, not a turkey was hung, not a pilgrim in sight. The fake snow was hung in the windows with care, in hopes that shoppers would spend their cash there. As the holiday of smoked turkey and sweet potato casserole quickly descends upon us (not quicklyRead More

Media Credit: MCT Campus

Online Dating Danger

Uncategorized November 17, 2012 at 11:21 am Comments are Disabled

By: Kyleigh Larkin; Mosaic Staff Writer– According to the Washington Post, statistics for 2012 report, out of the 54 million U.S. citizens residing in America, nearly 40 million have tried on-line dating. That is a staggering amount of people searching for love on the web. The newest technology created for dating, however, apps for the I-phone, may cause more harmRead More