Other News

Media Credit: MCT Campus

Sweet Memories of Halloween

Campus October 28, 2012 at 12:47 am Comments are Disabled

By: Ciara Speller- Broadcasting Editor It is clear that a vast majority of students on Salve’s campus love the fall, especially the month of October. Could it be for the foliage, or for how beautiful the cliff walk looks in the afternoon? Everyone loves this month for various reasons, but the big talk has been about October 31st, Halloween Night. Some haveRead More

“Switching Up Her Style”-How an Inexperienced Dancer Found Her Own Beat

“Switching Up Her Style”-How an Inexperienced Dancer Found Her Own Beat

Arts and Entertainment October 27, 2012 at 11:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Lauren Lisitano- Managing Editor I had to ask my friend what to wear to the jazz class.  He is a dancer, and I’m well… not.  Maybe you could have called me that when I was 4 years old and my parents shipped me off to tap class, but not now? I am what I am, as my 19-year-old, uncoordinated self.Read More

Recap on 10/23’s Boy’s Soccer Game-SRU vs. Nichols

Recap on 10/23’s Boy’s Soccer Game-SRU vs. Nichols

Features, Sports October 25, 2012 at 12:31 am Comments are Disabled

  By Victoria Della Salla; Photography Editor, Coming from behind once again, men’s soccer defeated Nicholas College with the final score ranking 2-1.  The seahawks goals came from sophomore Issa Demirgioglu and senior Jacob Brigandi.  Way to go boys!                

Shopping Downtown: Wish Newport, High Fashion on a Lower Budget

Shopping Downtown: Wish Newport, High Fashion on a Lower Budget

Lifestyle, Newport, Off Campus October 20, 2012 at 11:48 am Comments are Disabled

By: Mia Lupo- Fashion Editor It can be torture passing by the clothing stores on Thames Street, especially when you see the perfect outfit in the soft glow of a store’s window display. Unfortunately, it’s not just the glass that separates you from the beautiful clothes on the mannequin—living on a college budget makes it hard to buy quality, yet expensive,Read More

Sevigney Exhibit Provides an Insight Into Both Art and Life

Sevigney Exhibit Provides an Insight Into Both Art and Life

Campus October 11, 2012 at 9:40 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Quisan Taylor-Lawhon- Mosaic Staff Writer One step into the galley is one step into another world. Your eyes dart from pillar to pillar then wall-to-wall. The gallery is filled with white pillars. Each pillar is no more than three feet tall and nearly glowing, due to the high beam spotlights from above. The shadows from the pillars lie across theRead More