Other News

Liotta Leaves a Legacy

Liotta Leaves a Legacy

Campus September 28, 2012 at 11:14 am Comments are Disabled

By Kaitlyn Boisvert and Helen Stamas- A procession of students, faculty, family, and friends gathered in Salve Regina University’s Lady of Mercy Chapel at noontime on Friday, September 7. The pervading atmosphere inside was serious and somber, as the chapel and its visitors commemorated the memory of Doctor Peter Liotta, a Salve professor that recently passed away. A memorial wasRead More

Salve Students Discuss Their Favorite Fall Fashion Trends

Salve Students Discuss Their Favorite Fall Fashion Trends

Arts and Entertainment, Campus September 24, 2012 at 5:47 pm Comments are Disabled

By Sofie Bego– Welcome Back to School, fashionistas! Yes, that dreaded time of the year is back again. Long gone are the lazy days of summer. Our favorite season of the year arrived and finished with fresh unique styles, from neon tanks to white, lace-trimmed denim shorts. Every September spurs the same old thought process- “What do I wear doRead More

Mansion 5k Race Runs With Success

Mansion 5k Race Runs With Success

Campus, Features September 24, 2012 at 5:26 pm Comments are Disabled

By Lauren Lisitano- The 5K Mansion Run and Walk brought about 450 people together to support the Friends of Seahawks Athletics on Saturday, September 22, 2012. This is the thirteenth annual Mansion 5K race also included a Kid’s Fun Run.  With cool running weather and WSRU radio getting the crowd ready, the participants began at Rodger’s Recreation Center and loopedRead More

J.J. Abrams’ New TV Show Draws Similarities From Twilight and Lost

J.J. Abrams’ New TV Show Draws Similarities From Twilight and Lost

Arts and Entertainment, Op-Ed September 24, 2012 at 5:15 pm Comments are Disabled

By Mia Lupo- Revolution, which aired Monday September 17th at 10:00pm on NBC, was advertised as a promising new show—the series is directed by Jon Favreau (Iron Man), created by Eric Kripke (Supernatural) and produced by J.J. Abrams (Lost).  The logical assumption would be to predict that such collaboration would craft an intriguing, thought-provoking television experience. The pilot episode ofRead More

RI Blood Drive: Give Blood, Give Hope.

RI Blood Drive: Give Blood, Give Hope.

Off Campus September 24, 2012 at 4:51 pm Comments are Disabled

By Alexa Thompson Salve Regina University will be sponsoring a public blood drive on Sept. 25, 26, and 27 from 12-6 pm for the benefit of the Rhode Island Blood Center, aiming to collect at least 50 pints of blood. The blood drive, which will be held in Ochre Court, encourages Salve Regina alumni, faculty, students, staff, and the publicRead More