Other News

The Pell Center Features a Lecture Regarding the Middle East

The Pell Center Features a Lecture Regarding the Middle East

International September 22, 2012 at 1:18 pm Comments are Disabled

By Shannon Hearn- This past Thursday, September 20th, the Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy featured His Excellency Ambassador Marwan Muasher in the O’Hare academic building for his lecture on the Middle East Realignment: The Arab Upheaval. H. E. Marwan Muasher has served as Overseer of the Endowment’s research in Washington and Beirut on the Middle East, servedRead More

Put on those Reebok’s and Running Shorts, Newport!

Put on those Reebok’s and Running Shorts, Newport!

Activities, Campus September 22, 2012 at 1:10 pm Comments are Disabled

By Brittany Lauro- Make sure those laces are tied tight Newporters! Newport will be hosting not one, but two walks this weekend! The first is the 13th Annual 5k Mansion Run and Walk this Saturday, September 22, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. The course starts and finishes on Salve’s very own campus and includes a vigorous run (or a leisurely stroll)Read More

MCT Campus Reports on Student Loans and the Presidential Election

MCT Campus Reports on Student Loans and the Presidential Election

Nation, Off Campus September 22, 2012 at 1:05 pm Comments are Disabled

There’s a lot at stake for college students in this election, but perhaps no issue more immediate than student loans. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have strikingly divergent stances on this issue, stances that have real consequences for your wallet and for the role of government in supporting opportunity and advancement for next generations. Every college student needs to knowRead More

Get Discounts and Deals Downtown Fresh Into Your Freshman Year!

Get Discounts and Deals Downtown Fresh Into Your Freshman Year!

Features, Uncategorized September 22, 2012 at 12:49 pm Comments are Disabled

By Ciara Speller- Are you a Salve student who loves a good time, but still likes to conserve funds in doing so?  Well luckily for you, discounts and great deals lie at our fingertips. Everyone is guilty of peeping into the windows of trendy boutiques on Thames Street and savory little surrounding restaurants.  Perhaps you are also guilty of notRead More

College: New Changes, New Adventures

College: New Changes, New Adventures

Campus, Features September 22, 2012 at 12:26 pm Comments are Disabled

Young Marsh- I am two weeks into my junior year and with my lowerclassmen years not yet too far removed to reflect upon, I am stunned by how much I have changed.  Although two years is not a long period of time, for a student in college it is enough to completely remodel your way of thinking, as well asRead More