Other News

Disinterest or Conflict? Salve’s Clubs Struggle with Attendance

Campus, Op-Ed May 5, 2012 at 12:51 am Comments are Disabled

By Emily Ferro – Salve Regina is often considered a small school, beautiful and a community of its own on the Cliffwalk. While Salve is indeed a smaller school than many colleges, it is actually not that small. With about 2,000 undergraduate students (collegeboard.com), Salve has a wide variety of students, with a wide variety of interests. In order toRead More

Break Out Your Sombrero for Cinco de Mayo

Break Out Your Sombrero for Cinco de Mayo

Features, Nation May 5, 2012 at 12:50 am Comments are Disabled

By Brittany Lauro – Get your guacamole and your enchiladas ready, because Cinco de Mayo is on its way! Translating as “the fifth of May”, the holiday is generally thought to be the celebration of Mexico’s independence day. This idea, however, is false. According to the Kaboose website, Cinco de Mayo is in fact the anniversary of a battle thatRead More

Go Local! Marina Café and Pub

Off Campus May 5, 2012 at 12:49 am Comments are Disabled

By Kelsey Murray – Everyone familiar with Newport knows that it is home to some of the most delicious restaurants in Rhode Island. There are steak houses, tacquerias and pubs. A tiny restaurant in a hidden corner of Newport, RI is Marina Café & Pub. As students we don’t necessarily have the money to eat out all of the time.Read More

Exploring “Beauty as Duty” in Britain During World War II

Exploring “Beauty as Duty” in Britain During World War II

Arts and Entertainment, Off Campus May 5, 2012 at 12:48 am Comments are Disabled

By Mia Lupo – When we think of American propaganda during World War II, we think of the graphic posters illustrating marching soldiers and Uncle Sam urging the reader to “BUY WAR BONDS.” We picture Rosie the Riveter wearing her red bandana and blue shirt, flexing her arm, telling female viewers “WE CAN DO IT” and contribute to war effort.Read More

How to Make Your Summer a Blast: Mosaic Tips and Tricks

How to Make Your Summer a Blast: Mosaic Tips and Tricks

Activities May 5, 2012 at 12:46 am Comments are Disabled

By Kaitlyn Boisvert – 1. Start off your summer with the mindset of a restless explorer Aspire to create a summer for yourself that brings you to many new places, helps you meet new fascinating people and enables you to make fun discoveries. Call it bohemian if you will, but it is these kinds of summers that are often theRead More