Other News
Doughboys and Mick Dundee Burgers at Donick’s
By Mia Lupo – The eighties- themed restaurant, Donick’s Soups, Sundaes, and More, is the perfect place for Salve students to go, whether they wish to find study places during finals or crave an ice cream sundae on a Saturday night. Walking into Donick’s is like entering a wonderfully preserved time capsule that captures the best of the eighties. PostersRead More
K’naan – “More Beautiful than Silence”
By Vita Duva – Hip-Hop heads around the globe should be more than just familiar with Somali MC, K’naan by now. Following his 2009 inspirational second studio album, “Troubadour,” tracks like ‘Wavin’ Flag,’ ‘I Come Prepared,’ featuring Damian Marley and ‘ABCs,’ featuring Chubb Rock are certainly aged highlights that come to mind. Nevertheless, the Somali MC dropped a fresh 5-trackRead More
Get a Little Crafty with your Valentine
By Ciara Speller – Does the true sentimental value of Valentine’s Day still exist in today’s society, or has it just become another extravagant holiday for us to go through the motion of buying gifts? Isn’t the true meaning of this holiday for us to demonstrate our affection for our love ones? So then, why does this holiday mainly consistRead More
Will SOPA Change Our Internet?
By Lauren Kane – The frontier of the internet always keeps us guessing what conflicts will occur next. Over the past month, the conflict has come all the way from Capitol Hill, with the pending legislation of SOPA, or the Stop Online Piracy Act. If made into a law, SOPA would expand the government’s ability to combat online copyright infringement.Read More