Other News

Should Seniors be Scared?

Uncategorized September 22, 2011 at 11:04 pm Comments are Disabled

By Lauren Kane – The economy. Those words alone are enough to send shivers down the spine of anyone in need of a job. For college seniors, it could be the deciding factor in whether or not loans will be paid, or if even an entry-level job will be found. However, perhaps they have a bit more fear than is necessary.Read More

Barrier Bashing at Salve

Barrier Bashing at Salve

Campus September 22, 2011 at 10:49 pm Comments are Disabled

By Rachel Borba – Many students have seen more motivational speakers than they can count through high school and the start of college. It can often seem like the speakers are giving the same speech – clichéd phrases included. This past week the Salve Regina community was pleasantly surprised when they heard the speech of motivational speaker, Marc Wayshak: “TheRead More

Father Greg Boyle Speaks On Helping Gang Members Turn Their Lives Around

Father Greg Boyle Speaks On Helping Gang Members Turn Their Lives Around

Campus September 22, 2011 at 10:43 pm Comments are Disabled

By Kaitlyn Boisvert- For its 2011 Convocation ceremony, Salve Regina University selected Father Gregory Boyle as its commencement speaker.  After University President Sister Jane Gerety, RSM awarded Boyle an honorary degree commemorating his charity work, Boyle greeted the class of 2015 and began to tell them his story, mission, and hope for them to express kinship towards others throughout theirRead More

Women’s Tennis Win

Women’s Tennis Win

Campus, Sports September 22, 2011 at 10:43 pm Comments are Disabled

By Ally Boucher- The Salve women’s tennis team served up a victory over Rhode Island College on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 It was a beautiful day for tennis on Wednesday when Salve Regina University’s women’s tennis team routed the Rhode Island College team.  The sun was shining overhead as the tennis team defeated the RIC Anchorwomen 8-1. “Our team bouncedRead More

Boardwalk Bash

Boardwalk Bash

Features September 22, 2011 at 10:42 pm Comments are Disabled

By Jivanto Van Hemert – As night falls on September 9th, the lawn of Wakehurst is buzzing with activity. Trucks drive back and forth and one can just make out the forms of people moving about. One truck stops and large spotlights rise from its roof. Suddenly the lawn is covered in light. Now the previously shadowy forms become clearRead More