Other News

Salve Seniors Celebrate Final Stretch until Graduation

Salve Seniors Celebrate Final Stretch until Graduation

Uncategorized February 15, 2011 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Graduation — a word that is bittersweet for most college seniors. It defines how far seniors have come, who they are and where they’re going. For some the future is uncertain, and for others big plans await. Seniors can only hope that the real world is ready for us.

Frivolous Freshman Era

Uncategorized February 15, 2011 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

I walk into a room of strangers. I am accompanied by two more strangers, both of whom I’m learning to like and just getting to know. Although this may sound a little like a kidnapping, it is not — it’s my freshman year of college.

My experience at Salve thus far has truly been a random string of events.

One Man’s Recipe for Success: Pick Pocket’s owner George Barsom

One Man’s Recipe for Success: Pick Pocket’s owner George Barsom

Uncategorized February 15, 2011 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Whether it is your first or even your 100th time venturing into Pick Pockets, the atmosphere and the menu will never get stale. This small roadside deli is tucked alongside Newport’s historical cobblestone streets and unique array of restaurants, pubs and quirky shops.

From ‘Stripped’ to the Superbowl: Looking at the Career of Singer Christina Aguilera

From ‘Stripped’ to the Superbowl: Looking at the Career of Singer Christina Aguilera

Uncategorized February 15, 2011 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Longtime pop singer Christina Aguilera shocked multiple onlookers when she botched the lyrics of the national anthem during the opening reception of Superbowl XLV. People were horrified and outraged. Tabloids immediately posted online articles that highlighted the incident.

Salve’s Two Concerts Appeal to a Variety of Listeners with Hip-hop and Rock Artists

Salve’s Two Concerts Appeal to a Variety of Listeners with Hip-hop and Rock Artists

Uncategorized February 15, 2011 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

After a year of musical silence from the Rodgers Recreation Center, the spring concert is back — and with a bonus concert. This year, the Spring Concert is taking a switch from the rock genre of a few years past when the band the Plain White T’s performed at Salve.