Other News

Behind the Scenes of Mosaic: Meet the Mosaic Editors

Behind the Scenes of Mosaic: Meet the Mosaic Editors

Uncategorized October 6, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Stephanie Turaj, 2011


English Communications

major, Political

Science minor

A normal person would

shudder at the mere mention

of being the editorin-

chief of both the Mosaic and the Willow

Literary Magazine. Stephanie, or “Steph-Steph”

to her close friends, handles the jobs gracefully-

although she may trip over the front step of

her house along the way.

Behind the Scenes of Salve’s Hunger Concert

Behind the Scenes of Salve’s Hunger Concert

Uncategorized October 6, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Many would agree that music feeds the soul, but on Friday night it did much more than that,

as proceeds from the annual Hunger Concert went to local Aquidneck Island soup kitchens.

At 8 p.m. on Sept. 24, Salve Regina students, faculty, parents and Newport locals gathered in the Great Hall of Ochre Court.

Library Open House Scramble Winner:  Kelsey Stafstrom

Library Open House Scramble Winner: Kelsey Stafstrom

Uncategorized October 6, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

A flurry of campus activities took place this past week encouraging all Salve students to participate: Club Rush, Office of International Studies Open House, Career Development Open House and “Library Scramble”, hosted by McKillop Library. The goal of “Library Scramble” was to get students more involved, familiarized and informed about the assistance our campus can offer them.

Don’t Fret Freshmen!

Uncategorized September 20, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

From the intimidating upperclassmen, to the new teacher and schedules to the new person living in your room- it can be hard to adjust to a new environment while navigating through new classes, picking your major and finding a new group of friends. At Salve Regina there are many ways to get involved and meet new people.

Building homes a struggle in Haiti

Uncategorized September 20, 2010 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

CORAIL-CESSELESSE, Haiti – It was promised as the place where those displaced from the Western Hemisphere’s worst natural disaster could begin to rebuild their shattered lives as they await the birth of a new city.

Here, 12 miles north of a quake-ravaged Port-au-Prince, on a sun-beaten gravel plain, thousands left homeless by the catastrophic Jan.