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Uncategorized October 1, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

He has gorgeous blue eyes, looks strong, is kind and his mother taught him to hold the doors for women. I am his; I belong to him. I am bound to him by society’s rules, by his family, by my family. I have chained myself to a fear that I won’t survive without this man, any man.

MULTIMEDIA: Diverse Dining

MULTIMEDIA: Diverse Dining

Uncategorized May 9, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Never tasted falafel? How about pho? Give your dining some international flair at these Aquidneck Island restaurants.

Ritzy ‘CSI’ Trades in Glitter for Latex

Uncategorized May 9, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Q: What are you currently studying in college, and what do you plan on doing with

your degree once you graduate?

A: I’m studying Administration of Justice and Chemistry. My goal is to become a forensic scientist and specialize in DNA testing and rape kits.

Seniors Focus on Life after Graduation

Seniors Focus on Life after Graduation

Uncategorized May 9, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

First on the things to do list of senior week is the clambake. Next is the Commencement Ball followed by Honors and Awards. Before you know it, it’s the big day: Graduation. A sea of caps and gowns, some people listening intently while some doze off until their name is called.

College, Careers and…Curfews?

Uncategorized May 9, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Every final is completed, the class rooms are deserted, the last box is squeezed into the car, the dorm room looks empty and sad, the goodbyes are said and done, the gas tank is full, and now it’s homeward bound.

Every summer, students must make the adjustment from living independently to moving home.