Other News

SRU Breaks Not Only in Cancun

Uncategorized March 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Newport, RI- Saturday, March 3 marked the beginning of Spring break for Salve Regina University. Proposed activities ranged from student trips to New York City, to staying on campus, as some faculty and staff retain usual responsibilities, and then some.

2008 Elections Give Students Opportunity to Speak Out

Uncategorized March 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The ’08 election year is right around the corner and on Feb. 10, Barack Obama announced his candidacy for the White House. Already, he and other candidates are making appearances through states fighting for every vote. People of the younger voting generation may play a key part in the 2008 elections particularly because the platform is concerned with the war in Iraq, which will have dramatic effects on the nation’s future.

YouTube Changes the Landscape of Sports Highlights

YouTube Changes the Landscape of Sports Highlights

Uncategorized March 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Chase Daniel had an up-and-down day in Lincoln, Neb.

On the plus side, the Missouri quarterback threw for 244 yards and two touchdowns on Nov. 4, and broke his school’s single-season record for passing yards. But he also threw a pair of interceptions, and his Tigers suffered a 34-20 loss to Nebraska.

Clothes Fit for a King at ‘Royal Male’

Clothes Fit for a King at ‘Royal Male’

Uncategorized March 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

NEWPORT–Ever wonder what it feels like to dress in attire fit for a king or queen? Or, perhaps you are an anglophile and have an appreciation for all things British. Either way, one does not need to go overseas to buy authentic British clothing; all one has to do is take a walk to the Royal Male: Traditional British Clothing, located on 104 Spring St.

One Salon Invites You to Curl Up and Dye

One Salon Invites You to Curl Up and Dye

Uncategorized March 2, 2007 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

If someone told you to “curl up and die,” you probably wouldn’t take that as a compliment. However if you saw a business called “Curl Up and Dye,” you might be intrigued. It caught my attention a while ago when I drove by the store one day. The name stuck with me, and upon revisiting it, I wanted to find out more about this uniquely named hair salon.