Other News

How to Buy a Used Car

How to Buy a Used Car

Uncategorized April 27, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

A 2002 Volkswagon Jetta, fully loaded: $12,780. A 2004 Ford Escape, fully loaded: $18,500. The freedom of having a car at college: priceless. College is a time for young adults to experience the world without the supervision of their parents. Having a car allows them the freedom to explore the world.

SGA Presidential Candidates Demand a Re-Election

SGA Presidential Candidates Demand a Re-Election

Uncategorized April 27, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Student Government Association (SGA) Elections that were held on Wed., April 19, gave Salve students an opportunity to vote for new Executive Board members for the 2006-2007 school year. That same election is now leading to a re-election for the position of the Student Government Association President after complaints of an unfair election.

Salve Student Shines at Miss Rhode Island Pageant

Salve Student Shines at Miss Rhode Island Pageant

Uncategorized April 27, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Salve Student Shines at Miss Rhode Island Pageant

The master of ceremonies asked, “How many of you are sophisticated, of sound body and mind, educated to current events and have the passionate desire to help your community?”

Well, Jillian Cannone does.

Environmental Committee Strives to Raise Awareness on Earth Day

Environmental Committee Strives to Raise Awareness on Earth Day

Uncategorized April 27, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

NEWPORT, R.I. – Three area business, Office Max, Ben and Jerry’s and Starbucks, took part in Salve Regina’s Earth Day celebration that was held outside Wakehurst on April 21.

“I’m excited to see Salve’s active involvement in Earth Day,” said sophomore Ian Kerr.

SGA Debate allows executive board candidates’ voices to be heard

Uncategorized April 20, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Campaign posters will soon disappear and the student executive ballots will soon be calculated, but the Salve spirit was alive and hopeful at the first ever Student Government Association Debate on Tuesday night.

The debate was hosted in the Bazarsky Lecture Hall and allowed the 2006-2007 executive board candidates a final opportunity to voice their intentions, goals, and agendas for office.