Other News

SGA Campaigning in Progress for Upcoming Elections

SGA Campaigning in Progress for Upcoming Elections

Uncategorized April 13, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

After graduating from high school, young adults can choose from all different kinds of colleges. There are small schools, big universities, private colleges, religious colleges and many more. Wherever students choose to enroll, one thing is certain: they are the sole creators of their own, unique college experience.

What Next for Students Who Lived in New Breakers

What Next for Students Who Lived in New Breakers

Uncategorized April 6, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

In the aftermath of the fire that destroyed New Breakers, the Junior/Senior student dorm, on Tuesday, March 2, students struggle to get back on their feet and back on track.

How do you cope when you have just lost all of belongings? How do you learn to move forward without these belongings? How do you start to replace the belongings that were lost? What do you do when things can’t be replaced? What happens next?

Jennifer Haviland, 21


Social Work

Manchester Vermont

Question:Were any of your belongings found after the fire?

Answer:I have not gone to look because I was told that nothing from my apartment

was recovered.

Have Americans Lost Their Political Passion?

Uncategorized April 6, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Recently, thousands of college students and young adults around France have assembled protests, marches and petitions. These are not in response to something typical like a war, genocide or an unjust political prisoner.

Instead, their protests are aimed at a new law passed by their government that affects labor laws for their age group.

Montanaro Gallery Captures Nature, Historic Buildings, and the Newport Community

Uncategorized April 6, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Montanaro Gallery on Thames Street in Newport opened its doors to the public on March 18, 2006 and hasn’t looked back since.

With an extensive art background and local gallery connections, Montanaro Gallery seems to have that elusive staying power.

Gallery owner Michael Montanaro’s background in art is extensive.

Career Fair Offers Career Success

Uncategorized April 6, 2006 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The Salve Career Fair took place on Wednesday, March 29, one of the first nice days of spring. Outside of Miley Hall, a crowd of freshman were throwing around a Frisbee while others chose to go for a walk on the cliff walk.

It was a day that most college students would hope to skip class and spend the day outside with their friends.