Other News

The breast advice you can ever get: early detection is the key

The breast advice you can ever get: early detection is the key

Uncategorized October 20, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

I touched it and it was like a bolt of lightning went through me. I just knew,” explained a close work associate of Editor-in-Chief of SELF magazine, Lucy S. Danziger. “If your breasts usually feel like a bag of grapes, this felt like a pebble. It was that hard.

He Wanted To Make a Difference

Uncategorized September 28, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Sergeant Fitzgerald is no stranger to the Newport community, having been born and raised here. He even attended Salve Regina University, graduating in 1981 as an Administrative Justice major.

Having always been interested in law, Sgt. Fitzgerald originally was interested in becoming a state trooper and later became very interested in working with the Federal Bureau.

Through Its Architecture

Uncategorized September 28, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The Newport Historical Society, along with the Salve Regina University Press is proud to be sponsoring an illustrated lecture on Newport architecture on Wednesday, October 26.

The lecture will be presented by Dr. James L Yarnall, an assistant art professor at Salve Regina, followed by a book signing of his new book, “Newport Through its Architecture: A History of Styles from Postmedieval to Postmodern.

Say “No” to Gas Guzzlers

Uncategorized September 28, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

If you pulled up to the local gas station before you made the drive to Salve two weeks ago, you were must likely shocked at the amount you read on the pump. Upwards of $3.50/gallon was average around New England two weeks ago, due in large part to the terrible destruction of Hurricane Katrina.

Denim, So Haute Right Now

Denim, So Haute Right Now

Uncategorized September 28, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

In a society that is identified by money, wealth, possessions and by what label is on the butt of your jeans, Laura Jean came just in time.

This five and dime-turned-high end denim boutique just opened up last month on Williams Street, making shopping in Newport that much better.