Other News

Mosaic Senior of the Week: Jason Dalton

Mosaic Senior of the Week: Jason Dalton

Uncategorized April 27, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

MOSAIC: Where are you from?

JASON: I am from Cumberland, Rhode Island.

MOSAIC: What is your major/minor?

JASON: My major is Administration of Justice.

MOSAIC: What are your plans for after graduation?

JASON: I plan on going to the University of Rhode Island for Biochemistry; from there I would like to get into the ATF and work in the forensic field.

It’s Never too Late for Music

Uncategorized April 27, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Newport, R.I.- Before you drop off your eleven year old son to his next violin lesson you may want to think twice, that is, about joining him.

Music has long been known to relieve stress, exercise both your physical and mental abilities, and play a key role in increasing your concentration, coordination, and confidence.

Take a “Great Mental Health Break” at the Spa

Take a “Great Mental Health Break” at the Spa

Uncategorized April 27, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

NEWPORT, R.I. – In today’s fast-paced world, it is hard to find time to relax. Running to a job, picking up children, or an overload of school work are just a few responsibilities that have made stress a constant factor in our lives.

As a result, people must find ways to de-stress and relax.

Sophomore VIA Students Rally for AIDS in Africa

Uncategorized April 27, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

More than 100 students and faculty members gathered in the Bazarsky Lecture Hall on Monday night to hear an AIDS presentation given by sophomore VIA students at Salve Regina University to raise money for an orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya.

Justine Axelsson and Lila deBruyne, both sophomore VIA students, will spend a month in Kenya this summer working at the By Grace Orphanage, which offers free education, food, shelter and medical care for orphans whose parents have died of AIDS.

Tradition, Orthodoxy Will Likely be Hallmarks of Pontificate

Tradition, Orthodoxy Will Likely be Hallmarks of Pontificate

Uncategorized April 20, 2005 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

VATICAN CITY- In electing the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as the new pope, the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church have chosen not only one of the most theologically conservative among their ranks, but also a brilliant German-born theologian whose worldview was shaped by Europe- and remains focused there.