Other News

Letter to the Editor: Shuttle Service Operates With Maximum Efficiency

Uncategorized December 15, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Dear Editor,

As a sophomore here at Salve Regina University (and also as a work-study dispatcher for the Office of Safety & Security), I wish to call not your attention, but those of your readers, to your recent publication of 17 November 2004, specifically in which your article entitled “Saturday Night at Miley Hall” stated that the shuttle service “after calling .

Take Your Last Puffs

Uncategorized December 15, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Monday night football has never been so visible.

Gone is the glow of the cigarette butts. Gone are the clouds of smoke escaping from lips as touchdowns are scored and crowds cheer. Gone are the tell tale coughs quickly muted by beer.

Instead, at Aidan’s Pub in Newport, harried waitresses hustle trays of Buffalo wings from one table to another, filling drafts of Newport Storm.

How to Deal With Finals Without Losing You Hair

Uncategorized December 15, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

It’s the time of year a lot of students longed for since the first day of school- winter break. But before students can reach for the holiday eggnog, most cope with final exams.

Some start to panic and become filled with anxiety.

“I find myself having a hard time studying and taking tests,” said Nicholas Sampson, a junior at Savannah State University.

Weekly Horoscope

Uncategorized December 15, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Lasha Seniuk Posted In: Weekly Horoscope ARIES (March 21-April 20) Personal reflection will captivate your attention over the next 4 days. Unproductive patterns between loved ones can now be easily identified and dispelled. Use this time to accept yesterday’s disappointments and acknowledge today’s positive influences. After Thursday a new era of emotional growth arrives: stay open and watch forRead More

Beauty of Sport Totally Sullied by Drug Scandal

Uncategorized December 8, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

MIAMI- The beauty of a baseball player’s home-run swing or a runner’s stride across the finish line makes the heart pound with joy and amazement.

The ugliness of Jason Giambi injecting his buttocks with steroids or Marion Jones sticking a needle full of human growth hormone in her leg makes the stomach turn with disgust and disillusionment.