Saturday Night at Miley Hall
Miley Hall becomes quiet and calm over the weekends, as students head home, out for some fun, or maybe even to the library. Click Here for a Slide Show of: Saturday Night at Miley Hall
Miley Hall becomes quiet and calm over the weekends, as students head home, out for some fun, or maybe even to the library. Click Here for a Slide Show of: Saturday Night at Miley Hall
You wait in the winding line, inching closer and closer. Finally, you get to register, only to find that half of your classes are closed. Though there is little the Registrar, Dr. James Terry, can do about closed classes, he is working on the waiting in line part.
ST. PAUL, Minn.- Recently, pharmacist John Hoeschen felt a cold coming on. He wasn’t surprised, since his four kids were feeling under the weather. He immediately started drinking extra fluids and taking echinacea.
Four days later, he was symptom-free: no coughing, no congestion.Nov. 15-21, 2004
ARIES (March 21-April 20) Career disappoints from the past eight months now need to fade. Late Tuesday marks the start of a new era of business ambition or revised goals. Authority figures will no longer discount your suggestions. Plan new daily strategies and watch for subtle permissions.AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) service is a free, online service that allows us to
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