Other News

Interview with Salve’s College Democrats

Interview with Salve’s College Democrats

Campus October 23, 2020 at 1:40 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Amanda Valentine | Editor-in-Chief As election day is coming up at full-speed, I was welcomed by SRU’s College Democrats club for an interview. Co-Presidents Leila Balady- a senior philosophy and political science double major- and Alex Kenney- a junior American history major and double minor in political science and philosophy- kindly discussed with me their club, their thoughts onRead More

Op-Ed: Amy Coney Barrett’s Hearings Were a Waste of Time

Op-Ed: Amy Coney Barrett’s Hearings Were a Waste of Time

Op-Ed October 23, 2020 at 1:36 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Eilis O’Neil | Staff-Writer and Social Media Management Disclaimer: Political Op-Eds are independently written and do not reflect the views of the Mosaic Student Newspaper. Who needs a civics lesson as a senator? You’d be surprised to find out some on the Senate Judiciary Committee, especially after the ongoing Supreme Court nominee hearings. If you haven’t been keeping upRead More

Freshman Year Amidst a Pandemic

Freshman Year Amidst a Pandemic

Campus October 22, 2020 at 11:36 am Comments are Disabled

By: Liam Cooney | Staff-Writer Freshman year of college is full of so many new challenges, experiences and learning curves. This was the case last September, for the 2023 Salve Regina freshman class, a time which to many seems like a different world and not just a different year. Quarantine and the age of Coronavirus has time-warped our brains. FreshmanRead More

"Carrie Underwood" by MrHairyKnuckles on Flickr is licensed under Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

Review: Carrie Underwood’s First Christmas Album Will be the Soundtrack of Your Holidays

Arts and Entertainment October 21, 2020 at 7:13 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Lindsay Martin | Staff-Writer After her American Idol win in 2005, country artist Carrie Underwood has become a household name. Often referred to as the Queen of Country Music, she has not only released seven full-length albums and won countless awards, but she is also the voice of NBC’s Sunday Night Football, a New York Times bestselling author, aRead More

"Beach clean up" by USFWS Pacific Southwest Region is licensed under CC BY 2.0

How Community Service is Thriving During COVID-19

Campus October 20, 2020 at 9:00 am Comments are Disabled

The school year is now in full swing, along with service opportunities for Salve students! Kelly Powers is the Director of Community Service here at Salve and this year she is also serving as an FYT instructor. Kelly has seen first-hand the transition of freshmen who were thrown into this first-year of college whirlwind. Freshman, just like upperclassman, must completeRead More