Other News

Interview with SRU’s Republican Student Community

Interview with SRU’s Republican Student Community

Campus October 7, 2020 at 9:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Zara Abubakar | Staff-writer This weekend I had the pleasure of interviewing Abigail Twombly, president of the SRU Republican Club, which is in the process of being approved. E-board members Emma Wojcicki (Secretary) and Eric Peck (Vice President) were also present. Zara: I’m here with Abigail Twombly, who’s in the process of creating a Republican club on campus. FirstRead More

Sophomore Year Takes a 180° Turn

Sophomore Year Takes a 180° Turn

Campus October 6, 2020 at 12:42 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Eilis O’Neil | Staff-writer and Media Management Entering my second year of college did not go how I was expecting it to… If you told me during my first semester of college that halfway through the second semester I would be sent home, I would have laughed in your face. During January of 2020, after winter break, I receivedRead More

Op-Ed: First Presidential Debate Filled with Empty Words

Op-Ed: First Presidential Debate Filled with Empty Words

Op-Ed October 5, 2020 at 9:58 am Comments are Disabled

By: Michael DeFusco | Staff-writer After a long day, my legs were wobbling as I stumbled up two steep flights of stairs before flopping lazily onto my couch. I surfed through the channels before landing on ABC. After a few short minutes I saw an ad for what looked and sounded like a new reality tv show, only to realizeRead More

Chic Drift Café Caters to New Newport

Chic Drift Café Caters to New Newport

Off Campus October 1, 2020 at 3:34 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Clare Daly | Assistant Editor On Newport’s lower Thames Street, a bright white awning covers a small ground floor building from the elements. Upon entering Drift Café, bright neon signs and hand-lettered menu boards can catch even the least observant customer’s eye. In the window, four square tables, a tall counter, and two bohemian swings suspended from the ceilingRead More

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Studying Abroad in the Time of Coronavirus

Study Abroad, Travel May 5, 2020 at 6:09 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Amanda Valentine | Staff Writer Before leaving for study abroad, the Office of International Programs had informed us of what to do in the face of any problem, from the simplest to the most challenging: from dealing with a drunken roommate to handling yourself in a terrorist attack. Despite the preparation, no one could have guessed or even remotelyRead More