Other News

Big Nazo Rock Band Visits the Viking Ballroom

Big Nazo Rock Band Visits the Viking Ballroom

Uncategorized February 18, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Part of the Big Nazo Rock Band, the larger than life, creatively costumed performers, will be performing at the newly renovated “New Grand Ballroom” at the Hotel Viking in Newport, RI. Their performance highlights the first ever Fantasy Snow Ball to be held at this year’s Winter Festival.

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: A Single Girl’s V-Day Guide

Uncategorized February 11, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Feb. 14.

To some, this day represents an expression of love marked by candy, flowers, romantic dinners and even hopes of a proposal.

But, those are the girls who are happily dating, even in love, a beautiful love that is both requited and satisfying. If you are one of those girls, I am happy for you, and you needn’t read any further.

This Winter Is One for the Record Books

Uncategorized February 11, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

January 2004 was one of the coldest months in New England since records have been kept, and lots of people are hoping to keep the deep freeze away for the next six weeks.

Enjoy a Musical Meal with the Madrigals

Uncategorized February 11, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

It’s the day before Valentine’s Day, cupid is flying about overhead, love songs are blaring around every corner, and the smell of chocolate is wafting through the air. What better way to get you in the mood for this wonderful day then by having a handful of talented singers not only sing to you but serve you dinner.

Snoball Has a Royal Idea

Snoball Has a Royal Idea

Uncategorized February 11, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

This past weekend saw Ochre Court transformed into a glowing dance floor. The Snoball Semiformal was a huge success, keeping the coordinators busy accomodating the large numbers. Find out about the fashions, the new Royal Court, and what you may have missed out on.