Other News

Student Requests Answered with Extended Library Hours

Student Requests Answered with Extended Library Hours

Uncategorized January 28, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

As students and faculty returned to classes last week they met face to face with helpful news – the McKillop Library has extended its regular hours. The notices were posted at eyelevel in the entrances to the library and scrolled across the news ticker of the default Salve web page. Library patrons can now access the computer labs, pick up books, or study for an hour later every day.

You Can Survive Both Academics and the Working World

Uncategorized January 28, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The cost of higher education is rising, making it necessary for many college students to obtain employment.

So exactly how can students make the most out of their valuable time? There are many ways for working students to make time for work, studying and socializing.

No big names on Patriots and Panthers, just big hearts

No big names on Patriots and Panthers, just big hearts

Uncategorized January 28, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Chicago Tribune


HOUSTON _ Two ultimate teams in the ultimate team sport are playing in the ultimate game, at least until next year. So why does Super Bowl XXXVIII have the personality of a beige sweatshirt?

The Super Bowl is about glitter and glamour; the best football teams are about grime and grit.

You Can Survive Both Academics and the Working World!

Uncategorized January 21, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The cost of higher education is rising, making it necessary for many college students to obtain employment.

According to the College Board, since 1981, the cost of a college education has gone up five times faster than family incomes. Figures from Sebago Associates say 57 percent of college students have jobs.

Returning Home Is a Growing Option for Graduates

Uncategorized January 21, 2004 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Sociologists talk of a new life stage tucked between adolescence and adulthood: men and women in their 20s lingering in college and postponing marriage as they fortify their resumes and amass savings beneath the roofs of their parents. They are leery of student-loan debt and prohibitive housing costs, drawn to the undeniable allure of free laundry and home cooking.