Other News

Upcoming Films at Wakehurst

Uncategorized November 26, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Two upcoming films at the Wakehurst theater are Sprited Away (Japanese) and Seabiscuit.

Cold Stone Creamery Gives You an Ulitmate Experience

Cold Stone Creamery Gives You an Ulitmate Experience

Uncategorized November 26, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

It begins when you walk in the door. The counters are lined with rows of glass jars piled with candy, nuts, and toppings. The sight is enough to make your mouth water and your mind whirl with the possibilities. It’s hard not to grin like, well a kid in a candy store. The faces behind the jars smile back and welcome you to Cold Stone Creamery.

RIPTA Proposes Service Cutbacks

Uncategorized November 26, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Late in October, the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) stated that they might need to cut service to meet budget short falls. The initial proposal to RIPTA’s board of directors would cut service after 9 p.m. on weekdays, after 7 p.m. on weekends, wipe out holiday service, and eliminate the summer service from the cities to the beaches.

Seaview Residents Pass the Turkey

Uncategorized November 26, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

This past Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 6 p.m. about 40 people, including both old and new residents and guests attended a Thanksgiving dinner hosted by the Seaview Resident Assistants.

MTV Cameras Leave Salve Students Vying for Attention

Uncategorized November 26, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The students in Jayme Hennessy’s Foundations of Moral Thinking class weren’t angry that MTV camera crews were there following Emeline Walker on Nov. 12. They just all wanted to sit next to her.