Other News

A Jaunt to See “Chicago”

A Jaunt to See “Chicago”

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

If you love Broadway Theater, you will enjoy the opportunity to travel to New York to see “Chicago” on a trip sponsored by the Campus Activities Board on Sunday, November 16. People are excited to see the musical because the movie “Chicago,” which won six Academy awards, was based on the successful revival of the musical.

Movie Review: “Scary Movie 3”

Movie Review: “Scary Movie 3”

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The third installment of “Scary Movie” is back with a vengeance. The movie contains spoofs from “The Ring”, “8 Mile”, and “The Signs”.

Why should you see this movie? Because seeing this movie allows you to recognize all the other movies that have taste.

Seahawk Cheerleaders Flying High

Seahawk Cheerleaders Flying High

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

When it comes to school spirit, no one shows off their enthusiasm and support as highly as the Salve Regina Cheerleading Squad. You may spot them on the field at a home football game, in the fitness center of Rodgers, or walking around campus on game day with their blue and green ribbons tied up high in their hair.

The Candid Q&A with WSRU

The Candid Q&A with WSRU

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

The radio booth in Wakehurst now sits empty, where there were once student DJs programming and resident fans calling in requests. The November Mosaic tackled what went wrong. Now meet those directors working to bring the campus station back into your room.

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!

Uncategorized November 5, 2003 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Coffee is the college student’s staple in getting motivated in the morning. Instead of going to the nearest Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts, try one of these local Newport coffee bars instead!.

Starting off in the middle of lower Thames, one can stop for coffee at Ocean Breeze Cafe, located in the Wellington Square.