Other News

Panelists Tackle the Issue of Immigration for Multicultural Education Week

Panelists Tackle the Issue of Immigration for Multicultural Education Week

Campus March 6, 2018 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Caroline Connick | Social Media Coordinator As part of Salve Regina University’s semi-annual Multicultural Education Week, five panelists from various backgrounds led a discussion on the treatment of immigrants titled “Stranger in a Strange Land” this past Wednesday. This discussion, moderated by Dr. Arthur Frankel of the Salve Regina University Department of Psychology, primarily consisted of each panelist givingRead More

American athletes walk into the Opening Ceremony led by flag bearer Erin Hamlin who competed in Luge.

The Wait is Over: PyeongChang 2018 Has Begun

Activities, Check It Out, Competition, Off Campus, Sports, World February 20, 2018 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Sarah Dewolfe| Staff Writer It’s been a long four years for fans of the Winter Olympics, but that doesn’t compare to the wait for almost 3,000 Olympic athletes from 92 countries around the world competing in this year’s games. For some, the road to PyeongChang began when they first learned to ski or snowboard at an early age. All theRead More

Op-Ed: More Greta Gerwig, Please

Op-Ed: More Greta Gerwig, Please

Arts and Entertainment, Op-Ed February 20, 2018 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Kitty Williams | Co-Editor-in-Chief On January 7th, stars were gathered at the Beverly Hilton Hotel for the 75th Golden Globes. Natalie Portman and Ron Howard presented the nominees for Best Director. Certainly breaking from the teleprompter in front of her, Portman leaned into the microphone and said, “Here are the all male nominees.” [Enter Lady Bird] Greta Gerwig isRead More

Op-ed: How Mass Murder Informs Entertainment

Op-ed: How Mass Murder Informs Entertainment

Op-Ed February 20, 2018 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Henry Nickerson | Associate Editor In a recent Facebook post, my former high school teacher, Mr. Gregory Buckman, shared a story of him informing his students about the recent Parkland, Florida school shooting which left 17 dead. In response to the news, one student noted, “It’s just a shooting. Not like it’s a terrorist attack.” The response, while unsettling,Read More

Nick Foles, named Super Bowl MVP, holds up the Lombardi trophy, the first for both himself and the Eagles franchise.

A Super Bowl Like No Other

Check It Out, Competition, Events, Nation, Sports February 20, 2018 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Sarah DeWolfe | Staff Writer Super Bowl LII was just as historic as Super Bowl LI, but why was there so much more to the game this time around? There are so many questions and not enough answers. But I do know that when the Eagles squared up against the Patriots the unthinkable happened. The Pats lost the Super Bowl.Read More