Other News

Junior Kerri Beland calls a play in the Seahawks win over Eastern Nazarene College. (Photo by Ed Habershaw)

Salve Basketball: What So Far and What to Expect

Campus, Sports, Uncategorized December 12, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Sarah DeWolfe | Staff Writer December is here and we are halfway to Christmas just itching to go home for winter break. While December signals the beginning of the holiday season, it also means winter sports are underway at Salve Regina and the hardworking student athletes of the Men and Women’s Basketball teams are in the midst of their seasons.Read More

5 Library Hacks to Dominate Finals Week

5 Library Hacks to Dominate Finals Week

Campus, Check It Out December 12, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Hannah Lussier | Managing Editor Each semester during finals week there is one day when you find yourself cramming in the library. It is unavoidable. There you are, surrounded by a mountainous pile of notes and textbooks, furiously typing a research paper that is due the next morning. Thinking about that description alone is enough to make any college studentRead More

All The Christmas Music Recommendations You Want (and Don’t)

All The Christmas Music Recommendations You Want (and Don’t)

Arts and Entertainment December 12, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Kerry Hayes | Staff Writer It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And it wouldn’t be complete without the soundtracks of the season filled with silver bells, decked out halls, and Michael Bublé. It is undeniable that Christmas music is one of the greatest genres ever created, and whether you listen to it starting December 1st, the dayRead More

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5 Study Tips For Finals Week

Campus December 11, 2017 at 11:13 pm Comments are Disabled

By Claire Latsko | Co-Editor-In-Chief  Finals week has arrived! The end of the semester is always a drag, but you can get through it with a bit more ease if you take the time to make a plan and utilize some good study habits. Before your stress levels reach an all time high, take a moment for some deep breaths,Read More

Senior Ian Bomely celebrates Seahawk style in their 26-20 win over Montclair State. This was the first time Salve Football played on Toppa Field in 8 years. Photo by Zan Carver.

Another Seahawk Football Season in the Books

Newport, Sports, Uncategorized November 21, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Sarah DeWolfe | Staff Writer As students filed back to Newport for the fall semester many were worried about classes, the cost of textbooks, and professors. However, 99 students returned to campus with another thing on their minds: Football. The Seahawks were back in action and ready to build off of the success they found in the 2016 season, finishing 6-1Read More