Other News

Salve Relay for Life Raises Money and Awareness

Salve Relay for Life Raises Money and Awareness

Activities, Campus, Events, Uncategorized October 24, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

Madison Schettler | Contributing Editor On Saturday October 14, the Salve community came together for the annual Relay for Life. This event is a community-based, community-run fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Relays are held across the country to honor survivors, remember those who have been lost to cancer, and to raise money for the American Cancer Society’s fight against theRead More

Love Your Melon Club Profile

Love Your Melon Club Profile

Campus, Check It Out, Lifestyle October 24, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

by Madison Schettler | Staff Writer Salve Regina prides itself on its sense of community, and as the mission statement reads, making the world a more “harmonious, just and merciful” place. Love Your Melon is a club that works towards these goals in a unique way. The Salve Regina LYM campus crew is just one of many like it on campuses acrossRead More

Five Ways to De-Stress After Midterms

Five Ways to De-Stress After Midterms

Check It Out October 24, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Claire Latsko | Co-Editor-In-Chief For most people on campus, the past two weeks have been even more stressful than usual with the mid-semester barrage of exams and essays. After staying up till all hours, reading and re-reading books, writing too many paragraphs for your brain to handle, creating a stack of study notecards, and wishing you had a photographicRead More

Obscure Candies to Look Out for This Halloween

Obscure Candies to Look Out for This Halloween

Check It Out October 24, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Henry Nickerson | Public Relations Coordinator  The end of October is starting to creep up, and it’s becoming less embarrassing to eat candy for breakfast. If you tend to care more for the treat than the trick of Halloween, here are 6 treats that you won’t find in your average candy bucket. Additionally, there are DIY ideas of howRead More

Saving the Bay & Saving the Day: An Interview with Gabbie Kuba

Saving the Bay & Saving the Day: An Interview with Gabbie Kuba

Check It Out, Features October 10, 2017 at 1:00 am Comments are Disabled

 By Caroline Kelley | Contributing Writer “It’s not going to take a lot to make yourself known to someone else and do something good and turn their life around. That’s what a lot of people don’t understand,” says Gabbie Kuba, senior biology major and environmental activist. From the moment she stepped foot on campus, Kuba began serving her community by helpingRead More