Other News

Op Ed: Stranger Things is a New Classic

Op Ed: Stranger Things is a New Classic

Arts and Entertainment, Op-Ed October 10, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

*Note: This article contains Stranger Things spoilers* By Caroline Connick | Staff Writer Try not to get trapped in the “Upside Down” when you watch Netflix’s original series, Stranger Things. This gripping sci-fi series is all the scandal and mystery of Pretty Little Liars, childish shenanigans and adventure of The Goonies, super-human action of the Marvel franchise and treacherous other-worldly encounters of AvatarRead More

Sign On: Making American Sign Language a Core Equivalent

Sign On: Making American Sign Language a Core Equivalent

Campus October 10, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Hannah Lussier | Associate Editor Communication is key, and junior psychology major, Kelly Richards, knows it. Throughout her work with non-verbal autistic children, Richards has seen the importance of knowing American Sign Language (ASL) firsthand. She says she is not yet fluent but has “always loved sign language” and uses basic signs to communicate with the people she has metRead More

Club Coverage: Southern Poverty Law Center

Club Coverage: Southern Poverty Law Center

Campus October 10, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Kitty Williams | Associate Editor The Southern Poverty Law Center is a new club on campus with a focus on civil rights. It aims to make students aware of issues that are going on around the world and encourages them to take action and use their voice to make a change. Topics of discussion range from election issues to police brutality.Read More

Helping College Students Reach Zen

Helping College Students Reach Zen

Off Campus October 10, 2016 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Felicia DeMatteo | Staff Writer Like most young adults that are in college or in their early careers, Yuri Tomikawa felt very lost in her career path and simply wanted someone to talk to about it. In our age of technology, it seemed logical to search for clinicians online and Tomikawa came across tons and tons of names. However, sheRead More

Op Ed: National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Op Ed: National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Op-Ed September 30, 2016 at 10:57 am Comments are Disabled

By Caroline Connick | Staff Writer As National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month comes to a close, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on the issue of suicide. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, about 117 people end their own lives each day, and it typically happens when people with mental health conditions are under more stress thanRead More