By: Emily Mikolay | Staff Writer

As you walk down Broadway Street in Newport, you are cheerfully greeted by the vibrant, cherry red doors that seem to draw you in to this local eatery. Once inside, you are instantly welcomed with smiles and friendly faces, and you cannot help but notice the convivial atmosphere. Natural wood floors complement the finch-colored barstools scattered throughout the restaurant, and the unmistakable “avocado toast” neon sign illuminates the walls like the sun shining through your window on an early summer morning. “This is going to be great,” you think; fortunately, your prediction is correct.
Root is a plant-based eatery located on 6 Broadway Street in Newport, R.I. Their restaurant offers an extensive cuisine that is not only delicious, but also plant-based and completely kosher! The restaurant has a variety of offerings that range from custom coffees to house-made sandwiches, all within affordable price range. With more than forty items on their menu, there is bound to be a meal or drink that anyone would enjoy!

After hearing about this restaurant for what appeared to be ages, I decided to check out the place myself and try some of their food to see if it really did live up to the shining reviews that everyone gives it. Pleasantly, I was very surprised to find that every item that I ordered was extremely delicious! Every dish was as enjoyable as the next, and I was shocked by the fact that all of it was plant-based; you would have never known unless someone told you, which is a difficult feat to pull off. I ordered the “Ciao Bella” sandwich, the “Awakening” smoothie, and a “Blueberry Oat Bar”, all of which did not disappoint.

The Ciao Bella Sandwich, which is described on their website as a sandwich containing “Barrett’s Garden Mozzarella, roasted red peppers, red onion, ciabatta, and pesto” was by far the most delicious item I tried. The crisp crunch of the ciabatta roll against the contrast of the softness from the vegan mozzarella and roasted red pepper left you wanting more after each bite.

The “Awakening” Smoothie was also very tasty, but not a personal favorite of mine. Containing cold brew coffee, almond milk, cacao, peanut butter, and banana, I was pleasantly surprised to find the smoothie much sweeter than I anticipated. However, the banana overpowered the other ingredients in the smoothie, making it the “star of the show.” Though it was good, I would not rush back to purchase another one.

Finally, the “Blueberry Oat Bar” was just as delectable as you would expect it to be. The crunchiness of the oats and the sweetness of the blueberry was the perfect combination, as well as a pleasant way to end my meal.
In summary, I would most definitely go and check out this location when you get the opportunity! There is something for almost everyone to eat, and with an affordable price range and great food you cannot go wrong.
Root is open seven days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., walk-in or “online orders” only. For more information you can visit their website,, or give them a call at 401-847-2727.
Photos by Emily Mikolay.