Rock the Vote This Year

By: Jennifer Bladykas
Posted In: Opinion

Living in America, it’s hard to imagine a world besides the one we know. We grew up in a time that was prospering. Cabbage Patch dolls and Full House, MTV and MC Hammer; we had it made.

When our parents wanted us to do something and we questioned it, their usual response was, “Because I said so.” And, amazingly, we were ok with that. Sure, we might have whined and complained, but we ended up doing what we were told.

But times have changed. We still have MTV, and while American Idol might have replaced Full House as our favorite show, at the age of 18, it’s hard to accept, “Because I said so” as an reasonable response.

We want to know the reasons why we should do something and actually make a decision on our own behalf. It might be tough to explain to our parents, but fortunately, the government understands. That’s why they’ve given us the right to vote. And, unlike our parents, the government does not force us to even step foot in a voting booth. So why even bother?

Well, besides freedom of speech or the press (perhaps you’ve heard of a little thing called the Bill of Rights?) voting is one way to ensure that we have a say in our country. Voting also gives us a chance to change some of the laws that are already in place. Without voting, slavery would still be intact, women would be confined to “keeping house” and who knows what our government would be like-imagine not being able to practice the religion of your choice or reading a government issued newspaper?

So, now that the Democratic candidates are making their way through the U.S., why not take the chance to make a difference? Finally, an opportunity to actually see the issues, make a stand and put your voting right to use.

But even though voting is a freedom, an opportunity and a part of our democratic society, it is also pretty scary.

Luckily, the same people that started our addiction to reality television now also support the non-profit organization that provides us with the tools necessary to learn all about the voting process. MTV‘s Rock the Vote, a non-profit, non-partisan organization, hosts a website at where it’s possible to learn about the candidates, the issues and even register to vote.

Not sure if you’re registered? Well, Rock the Vote (RTV) makes it easy to find out. By going to RTV’s Voting FAQ, you will find all the information needed to register and then vote.

Remember, just because you’re in college and might not be able to get home during the November election doesn’t mean you’re out of the loop. By visiting RTV’s Voting FAQ, you can find out your state’s information on absentee ballots. They sent you the sheet, you send it back and the hardest part is deciding whom to vote for.

So the next time you’re online, (which, thanks to high speed access is like, always) head on over to Or, if you’re looking for an excuse to go on a road trip, check out Rock the Vote’s street team, which demonstrates the power of the vote across the country.

But most importantly, exercise your right to vote and make a difference. And don’t take “Because I said so” as an acceptable response. Get to know the Presidential candidates and what they stand for.

The Presidential election will be here before you know it, so make sure to visit Rock The Vote’s website and register before November 2, 2004. This isn’t our parent’s election-it’s ours. This year the reason will be because you said so.

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