By: Amanda Held
Posted In: Entertainment

Photo credit: Channel NBC 10 Providence Website
Brie Murphy is competing to be NBC 10’s college reporter.
Many would consider Brieann Murphy to be a lucky girl. Murphy, a junior at Salve, has earned herself a top ten spot in an ongoing contest at Bryant University. If Murphy is the lucky winner, she most likely will become a familiar face to the many viewers of NBC 10 News.
Murphy first heard about the contest in a class. Her teacher, Dr. Donna Harrington- Lueker, handed out a flyer and explained to the class what the contest was about. Murphy was informed that NBC 10’s Providence television station was searching for their first on-air college entertainment reporter. The winner of the contest would also win an internship at the station and the chance to produce a program with NBC. Murphy knew this was a great opportunity so she decided to go for it. She began by registering online. Not long after signing up and making a profile, Murphy received an email from the station informing her that her audition would be held on November 18th at Bryant University’s Broadcast Center. For the audition, Murphy was to have a five-minute script prepared and ready to read. Murphy was given the option to write about either herself or write an actual story. She chose to write about herself in order to let the judges know why she was there and why she was qualified for the job. November 18th came quickly. The time had come for Murphy’s hard work and preparation to be put to the test. As she first entered the studio at Bryant University she was asked to sign a release form, allowing permission for her to be on television. After doing so, they then asked her permission for a quick lunch break and it was during this break that Murphy’s nerves began to set in. Once the lunch break was over and everyone had returned, Murphy entered into the newsroom where she was to read her script. She took her place on a stool and did a quick “mic check.” From that point on Murphy says, “I don’t really remember what I said and it was all really quick. It only took about a minute.” After it was all over, she was asked a couple of more questions off camera, in regards to her feelings about how things went. She was then sent on her way. Although Murphy doesn’t remember what she said during the audition, whatever it was, it must have been good because about a week later, she received an email informing her that she was one of the top-ten finalists. This is a great accomplishment for Murphy. The process has been a great experience and has helped broaden her new found interest in the communications area. Murphy is a history major here at Salve but says “I started out wanting to do American History and go to law school, but then I began taking some English classes. Now, I’m leaning more towards that.” As a result, Murphy has decided to minor in communications media and after graduation, head to grad school for communications. As for the contest, the top ten audition tapes will be available for viewing at and the public will be invited to vote for the person they like the best. Judging is now underway and will continue until January 15, 2006. The winner will start reporting in February 2006 so now’s the time to get online and vote. Good Luck Brie!! To vote for Brie go to