By: Mary Carpenter, Christina DiLieto, Kristen Tomaiolo, Kali Lamparelli, Stephanie Lane
Posted In: Entertainment

Photo credit: KRT
A chart that shows films with the most Academy Award nominations.
It’s Oscar Time! The nominees have been announced and as always,
there is much speculation and predictions being made over which film will win. Sitting in front of a computer, behind a desk in the quiet library, Lauren O’Grady, a senior at Salve, thought very hard about this year’s Oscars. With her pen in her hand she doodled as she went through the different films aloud. “I love the movie ‘Good Night and Good Luck.’ It was amazing!” O’Grady said. A huge George Clooney fan, she thought everyone should see the movie when they get a chance. Still, she’s realistic: “I know it won’t win because it didn’t get any other awards this year.” Gabby Shultis, another Salve student, looked at the list of Best Motion Picture of the Year nominees and exclaimed, “I have only seen one of these movies.” Unlike the crazed movie fans, Shultis does not look forward to upcoming Oscars. Like every year, Shultis does not plan to sit down by her television and wait to see the results. “I always forget about them, “stated Shultis. Staring hard at the page, Shultis decides that she does not know who will win because she has not seen any of the movies. However, Shultis has seen “Crash.” Caitlin Yeaton, a Salve nursing student, usually watches the Academy Awards in her dorm room with her roommates. “I enjoy watching them. I am not a hardcore fan but I do enjoy watching when I have the chance” she said. Yeaton wants “Brokeback Mountain” to win an Oscar this year. “The movie is very diverse and with two popular actors it should win,” Yeaton said. “No one has put out a movie with such a gutsy storyline before.” Amy Degnan, a junior, will also be watching the awards show-as she does every year. Degnan wasn’t familiar with all the movies up for “Best Motion Picture of the Year.” The only movie she has actually viewed is “Crash,” which she enjoyed greatly though she’s also interested in seeing “Brokeback Mountain” because of all the buzz it has created. Degnan also would consider seeing “Munich” because of the great reviews she has heard. The other two movies, “Capote” and “Good Night, and Good Luck” did not entice her in the least. Degnan predicts either “Brokeback Mountain” or “Crash” will take home the prize this year. Heather Smith, an employee at Salve’s Writing and Tutoring Center, hadn’t seen any of the Academy Award nominees for “Best motion picture of the year” either. Well, she hadn’t seen one from start to finish. “I saw about the first five minutes of ‘Munich’, but then we decided to see another movie.” However, she still has a favorite. “I want ‘Crash’ to win, I heard it was really good.” Smith said. Swamped with homework in the library, sophomore Julianne Walsha sophomore at Salve was thrilled to talk about who she wants to win at the Oscars. “I loved the movie ‘Crash’ especially because Ludacris was in it, so I really hope that one wins for best motion picture of the year,” said Walsh. “I couldn’t believe how well the meaning of the movie ‘Crash’ was seen throughout the whole film,” continued Walsh. “Each piece of the movie connects together like a puzzle and it was so interesting to see how it all would turn out in the end.” The envelope, please?