Saving our home

By: Christina Borger
Posted In: Opinion

The latest environmental campaign is trying to save the planet, one less plastic bag at a time. Grocery stores are now manufacturing their own environmentally friendly reusable shopping bags to do their part in helping to save the environment. What are you doing to help?

Our planet Earth is home to millions of species, each relying on the natural resources to sustain life. Human existence has far surpassed the knowledge and advancement of any other species. Constructing bigger skyscrapers, building faster and less efficient cars, and misusing Mother Nature’s bounty all contributes to destruction of the environment.

If everyone were to change one aspect of their life: switching to incandescent light bulbs, installing energy-efficient appliances, purchasing environmentally friendly vehicles, to name a few, we could potentially slow down the devastation expected than if we were to continue with our hazardous and irresponsible ways.

One way in which our community can help is to invest in a reusable grocery bag. The inexpensive green material can not only hold more than the average paper or plastic bag, but it is better for the environment in the long run. Often times, we do not consider the materials used to make up everyday products. A simple plastic bag in comparison to a paper bag takes a considerably longer time to decompose naturally. By switching to a reusable bag, we do not have to worry about disposing of it after one use.

The cleaners and aerosols we rely on faithfully, the materials used to make our clothes, the containers in which our foodstuffs are preserved and the type of food that we purchase weekly all are minor things that we can alter in a small way to help benefit our future existence.

By switching to environmentally friendly cleansers, organic products, recycled paper goods and “green” clothes, we can contribute to creating and maintaining a better world in which we can all learn to love.

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