By: Ashley Giandomenico
Posted In: News

Photo credit: SGA
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After graduating from high school, young adults can choose from all different kinds of colleges. There are small schools, big universities, private colleges, religious colleges and many more. Wherever students choose to enroll, one thing is certain: they are the sole creators of their own, unique college experience.
Here at Salve Regina University, students are fortunate to have a Student Government Association (SGA). This organization gives students the opportunity to offer input into university activities and policies in order to improve life at Salve and make their stay at the university one of the greatest experiences of their lives. SGA is an organization that serves as the liaison between students and faculty, staff, and administrators. Presently, SGA elections are now underway for the 2006 – 2007 positions. Three current SGA members are in the running to become the main voice of the SGA as president: sophomore, Tony Vellucci, junior, Chris Hudson and junior Kate Grenci. Vellucci who has held the position of an on-campus senator for the SGA for two years says that he is running for president so that he can increase student contribution at Salve. “I want to increase involvement by offering everyone a chance to be part of campus governance,” Vellucci said. “To accomplish this, I feel Student Government needs to broaden its appeal by including and inviting students to meetings, to include them on focus groups that address concerns they have about how Salve operates and to work through problems they have within the university.” Also, Vellucci said that he would like to establish an appeals board to address residential life issues. “I feel strongly about everyone receiving a fair deal on campus,” Vellucci said. Another candidate for president, Chris Hudson, is currently on the SGA senate and has been since he was nominated last spring. Hudson said that being a part of SGA is important to him because he feels that in this type of organization, students can really help their fellow classmates. “I plan to truly give all students a voice,” Hudson said. Hudson believes that many students have something to say about campus issues and he plans to allow them to be heard. “This is my approach to student government and I think it is the right one.” The final candidate running for president is Kate Grenci who has helped to improve Salve in many ways during her first year as SGA senator. Grenci has helped to bring online registration to students and is in the process of forming a student advisory panel as an extension of SGA. She is also trying to reconstruct the SGA itself in order to better represent the students. “It is my goal (as president) to increase active student involvement and school spirit, while improving communication between students and faculty and between organizations and administrators,” Grenci said. “The student perspective is very important to me and I want to see that perspective utilized and integrated further into campus life.” According to the current president of the SGA, Bobby Gondola, the leader of the SGA needs to be someone who can initiate actions, see the greater picture and capitalize on other people’s strengths. “The president of SGA would be a role model to students in upholding the university mission and conducting themselves according to university policy,” Gondola said. Gondola feels that he will leave behind a successful presidency and has accomplished many achievements including advancement of the organization, building of the SGA reputation, and creation of a foundation of leadership. However, Gondola said that “there is still possibility for greater growth.” Gondola said that he is proud of the overall undergraduate experience at Salve and would credit the class of 2006 as distinguished campus leaders. “I would leave the next president with this,” Gondola said, “through the combined effort of each member of our community; we may build this school as great as its faultless buildings.” Elections for the SGA will be held on April 19, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the lobby of O’Hare. Other students in the running for SGA positions include: vice president: Justin Antall, Liz Duggan, Chris Whynock, Kristin Wells and Jessica Pezzone; secretary: Alyssa Scotti, Jason Lago and Diana Malachowski; treasurer: Meghan McFarland; public relations coordinator: Ashley Miller, Stefanie Desmone, Gabi Urso and Craig Buckley.