By: Elisabeth Steinhardt
Posted In: News

Photo credit: SGA Website
Tony Vellucci, a current SGA Senator who is also a candidate for the 2006-2007 SGA Presidential Re-Elections.

Photo credit: SGA Website
Kate Grenci, another candidate for the upcoming SGA Presidential Re-Elections.

Photo credit: SGA Website
Chris Hudson, one of the candidates for the SGA Presidential elections.
Student Government Association (SGA) Elections that were held on Wed., April 19, gave Salve students an opportunity to vote for new Executive Board members for the 2006-2007 school year. That same election is now leading to a re-election for the position of the Student Government Association President after complaints of an unfair election.
Following the Student Government Association Election Committee Meeting on Tues., April 25, committee members discussed the results of the SGA Presidential Elections and decided that they are now invalid. Due in large part to “a number of factors weighed in on the decision including, but not limited to issues with pre-election publicity, typographical errors on election materials, positive voter identification, miscommunication with part-time voters, and failure to follow the Election Code,” led to the vote for a re-election, current SGA President Bobby Gondola said. Re-elections for the position of the SGA President will be held on Wed., May 3, from 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. in O’Hare and 4:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m. in Miley Hall. This re-election is for the position of the SGA President only. The candidates are Kate Grenci, Chris Hudson and Tony Vellucci. All students, both part-time and full-time, are eligible to vote. You must present valid photo identification at the time of voting. Also, before voting, please revisit the duties and responsibilities of the SGA President:1. Call and preside over all SGA meetings
2. Vote in the Senate, only in the case of a tie
3. Represent, or appoint a designee to represent, the SGA Senate at all public occasions as called upon to do so or as protocol dictates
4. Appoint members to all University committees, as appropriate, with the advice and consent of the Senate
5. Serve as ex-officio member to all University committees, as appropriate
6. Fill, with the ratification of the Legislative Branch, any vacancies occurring within the Legislative Branch due to dismissal or removal
7. Appoint a Parliamentarian
8. Assist with the indoctrination of the President-elect