Six Secrets and Friendly Advice for Salve Freshmen

By: Katie Wildgrube
Posted In: Campus News

Your first year of college is both an exciting and challenging experience. You are finally on your own. Parents aren’t around to set curfews, make sure you do your homework or ensure you eat right. Not to fret though, here are six secrets to ensure your first year at Salve is an exciting and rewarding one.
1.Secure the “A.” Procrastination is far too easy once you live on a college campus. Your friends are always around and there’s always something besides homework to keep you busy. Learn to manage your time. Utilize your free time and get your homework done early so you can socialize at night when everyone is out of class and back in the dorm. Make use of Salve’s Career Development Center and get to know your professors and advisors. Check out for even more tips and resources.
2.Save your pennies. College costs enough as it is so don’t waste the money you worked hard for all summer. Add some money to your Salve card (student ID) and use it as a debit card. That way, you know the amount you can spend is limited to how much is on the card. Put it to use towards coffee at Jazzman’s Café, a sandwich at The Original Burger or a salad at the Global Café. It is also accepted at Subway and Pick Pockets Deli. If you’re a fitness fanatic, there is no need to pay for a gym membership because the Sullivan Fitness Center at Salve is free for students.
3.Use your meal plan. Freshmen are required to purchase the 19 Meal Plan, which allows you to eat 19 meals each week. The freshmen meal plan is only accepted at Miley Café, which is open from 7 a.m.- 7:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m.- 7 p.m. Friday, and 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Miley features a main course, the occasional “theme cuisine,” a vegetarian station, pizza, pasta, a deli station, soup, salad and dessert. No matter what day of the week, there is something for everyone. You can see the daily menu at
4.Love your neighbor, if not your roommate. Salve students are allowed to request roommates at summer orientation if they so choose, but most students are placed with people they don’t know. Living with strangers can be a difficult transition. It is important to stay open-minded and learn to compromise. Talk things out with your roommate. Communication is the key to a happy dorm experience. As you and your roommate become more comfortable with each other you will learn what makes one another tick. By avoiding the things that annoy one another, living in the same room will be a much more enjoyable experience. But in the event your roommate is not your cup of tea, don’t panic. Be social and meet others in your building. The person next door could be your new best friend. See for more information, or if you have a problem.
5.Get acquainted with public transportation, you’ll need it. At Salve Regina, freshmen are not allowed to have cars on campus. Don’t worry; there are many other options for transportation. Salve cards serve as free passes for the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (R.I.P.T.A) service. R.I.P.T.A has an extensive bus system that services the entire state of Rhode Island. R.I.P.T.A trolleys run through campus and around the downtown area of Newport from 6 a.m.- 8 a.m. Monday- Saturday and 10 a.m.- 8 a.m. on Sunday. After the trolleys stop, Salve’s shuttle service takes over. Shuttles provide students with on-campus transportation from 6 p.m.- 1 a.m. and off-campus transportation from 8 p.m.- 1 a.m. seven days a week. Students can call for a shuttle at (401) 341-RIDE and be picked up or dropped off anywhere on campus. The designated off-campus shuttle stops are the post office, CVS, the Jane Picken’s Theater, and Stop & Shop. For more information see
6.Have a night on the town. Being on campus is great, but it’s also important to get out and experience the city of Newport. There are many great restaurants and coffee shops to try out and almost always something new to experience downtown. Whether it’s ice skating at the Family Skating Center, walking around the Boat Show, checking out the Jazz Festival, or watching foreign films at the French Film Festival, there’s something for everyone in Newport. And don’t forget to tour a mansion or two. There are trolley stops conveniently located all over the downtown area and right in front of Stop & Shop and CVS to make everyday mini shopping trips a cinch. Bookmark so you can always find something new to do.

Living in Newport is something many people want to do, but few actually get the chance. As a Salve student you get to experience Newport year round. Balancing this lifestyle change with your course work can be challenging, but everyone gets through it. It’s all about managing your time and utilizing available resources. You have all the information you need; now it’s up to you to put it to use and make your first year at Salve the greatest it can be.

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