By Byrn Stiles | Staff Writer
I see you. Even though you are sure no one does right now, I see you. I know you are feeling lonely and overwhelmed while walking alone around campus, lying in your vacant dorm room, and sitting in your new classes surrounded by strangers who seem to have close friends magically already. I know that you feel you have done everything you could conceivably do to make friends, and yet you are still alone. I know just how badly you wanted to walk onto campus that first day and feel a sense of belonging— like college was a dreamland, everything in its perfect place the second you arrived. I know you feel like no one even knows or cares that you are there, but I see you. I am you. Like you, I have been struggling to find my people. I have joined countless clubs to branch out and completed every generic task people tell you to complete to make friends and have had no luck. Regardless, I remain optimistic that one day, we will find a group of people who make us feel at home. However, during this transition, it is crucial to find things you can do to continue bringing enjoyment into your life. I understand it is hard, but I know that you and I will someday find our people. Until then, we must learn to be okay by ourselves for the first time. Throughout these past few weeks, I have compiled a list of activities that I have done that have brought me happiness, and I hope that you use this list and add the activities you have discovered for yourself.

- Getting yourself a sweet treat.
- Reading in the hammocks on Gerety Lawn.
- Walking the cliff walk while listening to a podcast.
- Coloring.
- Walking into town and window shopping.
- Buying a new sweater/ makeup/whatever niche you enjoy.
- Sitting on a town bench and people-watching.
- Trying new things with my hair.
- Calling someone meaningful to you.
- Get a new plant to take care of.
- Have self-care night.
- Read a new genre of books at the library.
- Redecorate your dorm.
- Visit a museum.
- Visit the Newport Mansions.
- Create a new music playlist.
- Create a “Day in the Life” video.
- Dress up for fun.
- Swim in the ocean.
- Go flower picking.
- Journal.
- Go out for dinner/lunch/breakfast.
- Visit a bookstore and wander through the aisles.
- Walk around town and pet dogs.
- Take the trolly to a new place.
- Complete a random act of kindness.
- Declutter your space.
- Make a photo wall.
- Go on a hike.
- Go to a farmer’s market.
- Join a new club.
- Go to a sports event.
- Try a new drink.
- Compliment yourself every morning.
- Listen to a new song on repeat.
- Try a new food.
- Continue to branch out.
- Online shop.
- Text loved ones.
- Take the time to just be.
Photos from Unsplash.