By: Kimberly Osborne
Posted In: News

Photo credit: Kimberly Osborne
Every week Mosaic picks a Salve student at random to highlight in our online edition.
MOSAIC: Where are you from? ETSUKO: Hokkaido, Japan. MOSAIC: What year are you? ETSUKO: Senior. MOSAIC: What is your major/minor? ETSUKO: Accounting/Business Administration. MOSAIC: Did you ever have any funny nicknames growing up? ETSUKO: Monkey. When I was little I looked like a monkey so my family called me Monkey. MOSAIC: Do you have any guilty pleasures? ETSUKO: Oreos. MOSAIC: Do you have any fun rituals? ETSUKO: I like traveling. I travel to another country at least twice a year. MOSAIC: What is the most exotic thing you have ever eaten? ETSUKO: Hawaiian food, I guess. MOSAIC: What was the best vacation you ever went on and why? ETSUKO: Europe, because it is just so different from where I grew up. Also Hawaii, I went there with friends, we rented a car and went to the beach. The people who live in Hawaii are so relaxed all the time, I could just forget the time and let it be. That was so cool. Also, I tried surfing for the first time in my life. MOSAIC: If you had to choose the actor/actress who would play you in a movie about your life whom would you choose and why? ETSUKO: Sienna Miller, because she is so cute and fashionable. MOSAIC: If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring one person and two things with you, who and what would you bring? ETSUKO: My sister, water and magazines.