By: Kimberly Osborne
Posted In: News

Photo credit: Salvetoday
Jason Lago, Mosaic’s Student of the Week, will graduate in 2008.
Every week Mosaic chooses one student at random to highlight in its online edition.
MOSAIC: Where are you from? JASON: Seabrook “Da Brook” New Hampshire MOSAIC: What year are you? JASON: Sophomore MOSAIC: What is your major/minor? JASON: I am a nursing major and a French minor. MOSAIC: Did you ever have a funny nickname growing up? Explain. JASON: Well, people called me “Lago my ego” because of the obvious waffle slogan that it corresponds to. I was also called “Legs” because I am pretty tall (6’2″) and mostly legs. MOSAIC: Do you have any guilty pleasures? JASON: Hmm…Lint rollers for sure! Whoever decided to weld tape to a handle should win a prize. I admit to using these contraptions on everything from sweaters to rugs to things that don’t even collect lint, like my laptop. I’m not addicted to the actual rolling action as much as I am to seeing that gunk-covered tape when I’m finished. What can I say? Lint rollers are the new bubble wrap. Tell a friend. MOSAIC: Do you have any fun or unusual rituals? JASON: Before I start any type of schoolwork on my computer, I have to check my Salve mail account, my hotmail account, my facebook and my myspace of course. It takes a long time. Maybe it’s not a ritual as much as an intricate way of procrastinating what needs to be done… whatever. MOSAIC: What is the most exotic thing you have ever eaten? JASON: Frog’s legs…I can’t believe I actually did that! MOSAIC: What was the best vacation you ever went on and why? JASON: Definitely the Dominican Republic. I went with my best friend Jenny. We relaxed/recovered during the day and had a blast at night! What a place. MOSAIC: If you had to choose the actor who would play you in your life story whom would you choose and why? JASON: I don’t know. Too hard to choose. MOSAIC: If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring one person and two belongings who and what would you bring? JASON: My mom, a box of Twinkies, and of course my lint roller (nuff said!).