By: Kimberly Osborne
Posted In: News

Photo credit: Elisabeth Steinhardt
Student of the week: Tom Hodgson
Where are you from?
Brookline, New Hampshire What year will you graduate from Salve? I’m a hopeful graduate of the Salve class of 2006 & 1/2 What is your major/minor? English Communications Did you ever have a funny nickname growing up? Explain. Kids called me Tomato because my face would turn red when I spoke in front of the class. Do you have any guilty pleasures? The smell of gasoline and Blacktooth Grin (Jack Daniels and Coke) Do you have any fun or unusual rituals? I like to listen to R. Kelly’s “Ignition” when I get dressed to go out What is the most exotic thing you have ever eaten? Hawaiian pizza What was the best vacation you ever went on and why? Going to Montreal two summers ago, because I don’t remember any of it. If you had to choose the actor/actress who would play you in your life story whom would you choose and why? Bret “The Hitman” Hart, because he is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring one person and two belongings who and what would you bring? Captain Planet, a George Foreman grill, and an iPod with Pantera’s “Far Beyond Driven” on it.