By: Erica Johnson
Posted In: News

Photo credit: Erica Johnson
Study materials cover a library table at midnight.

Photo credit: Erica Johnson
Jennifer Charbot ´07 prefers reading at the library to her dorm room.
As students and faculty returned to classes last week they met face to face with helpful news – the McKillop Library has extended its regular hours. The notices were posted at eyelevel in the entrances to the library and scrolled across the news ticker of the default Salve web page. Library patrons can now access library computers, pick up books, or study for an hour later every day.
The switch took place after the staff received a number of requests for the library to remain open later. Some patrons even wanted the library to be open 24 hour said Dawn Emsellem, Circulation Specialist and night staff at McKillop Library. That however would cause a staffing problem so the directors accommodated users with the extended hours. The new McKillop Library hours are: