Summer Transitions: How to Make Your Closet Fall-Ready

By Marrissa Ballard | Staff Writer

Though this fall has been unseasonably warm, it is time to transition your wardrobe from those bright and light summer pieces to warmer, deeper-colored fall pieces. Fall trends this year include a lot of maroons, deep purples and auburns. As always, sweaters are a fall staple.

However, I know that bright colors and summery dresses are fan favorites, so how can we utilize our summer wardrobe in the fall? I myself have a lot of spring and summer clothes but not much for fall and winter.  A simple solution is to invest only in a few versatile fall pieces and just work your summer wardrobe into the cooler weather.

A couple of investments, such as a good statement jacket or a pair of boots, are extremely helpful for the fall. A good pair of boots can not only last through the harsh weather here in Newport, but also immediately create a perfect fall look. Similarly, a good leather jacket in black, tan, or brown will have the same effect. By focusing on these versatile and useful pieces, you can avoid spending a lot of money buying fall clothes.

The deeper colors in your wardrobe, such as purples, dark reds, browns or blacks, should get a lot more focus during the fall. If you don’t have those colors, purchase some bargain scarves and accessories that will add a darker element to your outfits.

If you’re trying to transition your closet from warm to cold, cardigans and sweaters will also be useful tools. Simply layer cardigans and sweaters over your short sleeve or no-sleeve tops and dresses to make them suitable for fall. Cardigans are extremely useful pieces because if you buy them in staple colors, like black and white, you can use them in practically any outfit.

The leg-equivalent of cardigans would be tights. Thermal, thicker tights are extremely useful for colder weather, and can be worn under dresses and skirts to warm up your outfit. Tights in black, gray, and cranberry colors will add a more fall-like feel to any ensemble.

Similarly, scarves in autumn colors or patterns will also spice up any outfit. Wearing muted colors and a cool scarf is a great way to keep color in your wardrobe during the colder months.

Maxi dresses were a huge trend this summer. These dresses are probably the easiest piece to use during the fall, because they are warmer than shorter dresses. Maxi dresses in black will be especially useful. Just throw on a sweater or jacket over the dress and your outfit will be fall-ready.

If you’re like me and most of your clothes are pastel colors and light fabrics, don’t feel like you have to completely change your wardrobe to fit the season. Use fall trends as little or as much as you like, and take advantage of sales on staples like boots, hats, and jackets. Just warm up your wardrobe with sweaters and cardigans and wear whatever you want!

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