Post Tagged with: "midterms"

Midterms and Moons: Celestial Events from Campus Captivate Students

Midterms and Moons: Celestial Events from Campus Captivate Students

Campus October 25, 2021 at 9:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Amanda DiNatale | Staff Writer While this past week of midterms was a source of stress and fatigue for many students, a plethora of natural phenomena brightened the skies above campus. Beginning Sunday, October 17, a beautiful partially circular rainbow encased the moon. Looking almost like a halo around the moon, this rare celestial event is known as aRead More

Five Ways to De-Stress After Midterms

Five Ways to De-Stress After Midterms

Check It Out October 24, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Claire Latsko | Co-Editor-In-Chief For most people on campus, the past two weeks have been even more stressful than usual with the mid-semester barrage of exams and essays. After staying up till all hours, reading and re-reading books, writing too many paragraphs for your brain to handle, creating a stack of study notecards, and wishing you had a photographicRead More