Post Tagged with: "salve regina"

Proposed Newport-Middletown school district merger fails to pass

Proposed Newport-Middletown school district merger fails to pass

Newport November 14, 2022 at 11:09 am Comments are Disabled

By: Liam W. Cooney | Staff Writer One of the more interesting features on the midterm election ballot this year, particularly for Aquidneck Islanders, was the possibility of regionalizing Newport and Middletown school districts. The final vote had Middletown passing the bill with an overwhelming 64.5% of the vote, and Newport narrowly rejecting, only 47.2% of voters approving. Both sides,Read More

Men’s Basketball Preview for the 2022-2023 Season

Men’s Basketball Preview for the 2022-2023 Season

Sports November 8, 2022 at 11:02 am Comments are Disabled

By: Liam W. Cooney | Staff Writer After a highly successful 2021-2022 campaign, the Salve Regina Men’s Basketball team is aiming for a similar run this winter 2022-2023. Falling just short of a Commonwealth Coast Conference (CCC) championship last year, the Seahawks compiled a 21-7 overall record, 14-4 within conference. With that amount of success, we can expect the SeahawksRead More

Linda Sarsour speaks at Salve Regina University on October 24, 2022 in Bazarsky Hall as a part of the 10 Year Anniversary of Multicultural Education Week.

Multicultural Education Week’s Keynote Speaker: Linda Sarsour

Campus November 7, 2022 at 1:00 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Maeve McCann | Secretary Linda Sarsour, award-winning author and activist, kicked off Multicultural Education Week in Bazarsky Lecture Hall on Monday, October 24th. Sarsour brings light to the issues that are being over looked within our country and around our world. The way she speaks through her experiences and passion, inspires and drives people to take action. When talkingRead More

Salve Regina hosts the Southern Rhode Island “Out of the Darkness Walk”, sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Salve Regina hosts the Southern Rhode Island “Out of the Darkness Walk”, sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Campus November 1, 2022 at 3:23 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Rebecca Capozzi | Co-Editor-in-Chief A sea of tie-dyed blue shirts filled McAuley’s lawn. Dozens of groups of people, including many Salve Regina sports teams, gathered by the Cliff Walk. Music was blaring and people were chatting. The morale seemed to be high on an absolutely gorgeous Saturday morning. What you would not expect, however, is that this seemingly joyousRead More

Alum Eilis O’Neil Rocked my World… at Wave Cycle

Alum Eilis O’Neil Rocked my World… at Wave Cycle

Op-Ed, Uncategorized October 31, 2022 at 12:24 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Emma Liarikos | Social Media Coordinator If you’re like me, then you’ve struggled finding a workout routine that works. I have trouble sticking with one specific thing, because I so easily get bored. I’ve tried yoga, pilates, weight lifting, running, walking – I’ve done it ALL! But none of it was anything I particularly enjoyed doing. However, there wasRead More