Post Tagged with: "salve regina"

Athletic Community and Friends Rally Around Salve Athlete After Gym Accident

Athletic Community and Friends Rally Around Salve Athlete After Gym Accident

Campus, Sports October 22, 2019 at 8:58 am Comments are Disabled

By: Amanda Valentine | Staff Writer Chris Peasley, a Salve Regina student and member of the basketball team, broke his nose and parts of the bones around his right eye while working out at Rodgers Recreation Center on October 2nd. Peasley was using a resistance band wrapped around a metal bar when the bar came loose and broke multiple bonesRead More

Op-Ed: Mckillop’s Silent Floor Really Isn’t Silent

Op-Ed: Mckillop’s Silent Floor Really Isn’t Silent

Campus, Op-Ed October 22, 2019 at 8:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Rebecca Capozzi | Staff Writer When I first heard about the 3rd floor of the library and how it was the “silent floor”, I was really excited. At my high school, the library was very small, and the librarians who were always telling students to be quiet were always the ones that would be talking and laughing as loudRead More

Best of  Salve Students Art Show Takes Over Hamilton Gallery

Best of Salve Students Art Show Takes Over Hamilton Gallery

Arts and Entertainment, Campus, Check It Out October 2, 2019 at 11:34 am Comments are Disabled

By: Clare Daly | Staff Writer The Best of Salve Students (or B.O.S.S.) art show consists of over 70 works in paintings, graphic design, fashion, and other mediums on display in Antone’s Dorrance H. Hamilton gallery. The pieces were chosen by professors of the various arts courses taught at Salve. The works were judged by May Babcock, a local artistRead More

Photo by Carli Lynch

Together Wherever We Go: The “Gypsy” Experience

Arts and Entertainment, Campus April 16, 2019 at 3:28 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Amanda Valentine | Staff Writer While the importance of family is essential to the show itself, it also plays a big part in the backstage experience of Salve’s 2019 spring musical, “Gypsy”. Based on a true story, the musical follows Mama Rose and her two daughters June and Louise (aka “Gypsy”) as she attempts to turn them each intoRead More

Salve’s Power-Players: Kristen Medlicott’s Progressive Leadership

Salve’s Power-Players: Kristen Medlicott’s Progressive Leadership

Campus, Check It Out, Events, Features April 4, 2019 at 12:51 pm Comments are Disabled

This piece is part of a series of profiles highlighting women power-players on Salve’s campus. These are made in collaboration with the Female Empowerment Organization for the upcoming Women’s Empowerment March taking place on Saturday, April 6 at Wakehurst Lawn.  Kristen Medlicott, a sophomore and the president of the Female Empowerment Organization, is one of the driving forces behind thisRead More