Post Tagged with: "salve regina"

Salve Celebrities: Liam Cooney Is Not Your Average Nepo

Salve Celebrities: Liam Cooney Is Not Your Average Nepo

Campus, Salve Celebrities December 11, 2023 at 11:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Samantha Mansolf | Staff Writer A new and exclusive series coming to the Salve Mosaic Newspaper: Salve Celebrities. Featuring some of the most well-known, charismatic, entertaining, and involved students our campus has to offer, this series aims to spotlight unique students to get their own take on their stardom. For our second edition: senior Liam Cooney. Quick Facts Hometown: Portsmouth,Read More

Salve Celebrities: Samantha Mansolf is Up to Bat

Salve Celebrities: Samantha Mansolf is Up to Bat

Campus, Salve Celebrities December 6, 2023 at 11:00 am Comments are Disabled

By: Liam W. Cooney | Staff Writer A new and exclusive series coming to the Salve Mosaic Newspaper: Salve Celebrities. Featuring some of the most well-known, charismatic, entertaining, and involved students our campus has to offer, this series aims to spotlight unique students to get their own take on their stardom. For our inaugural edition: junior Samantha Mansolf. Quick Facts Hometown: Burrillville,Read More

UCook: Miley Dining Just Got Better

UCook: Miley Dining Just Got Better

Campus, Check It Out, Features November 20, 2023 at 11:30 am Comments are Disabled

By Isabella Meier and Anna Weygang | Staff Writers Picture this: You’ve had a horrible day, and after four long classes it’s finally time to have dinner. You’re excited – maybe this will be the pick-me-up you needed. Maybe, for once, the dining hall will make something that doesn’t have you a bit concerned about your health. You walk intoRead More

Straight From the Vault: “1989 (Taylor’s Version)”

Straight From the Vault: “1989 (Taylor’s Version)”

Arts and Entertainment November 7, 2023 at 11:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Emily Scieszka | Staff Writer In the midst of her Eras Tour, Taylor Swift successfully released her fourth re-recorded album, 1989 (Taylor’s Version), on October 27th. The hard work she put into this album is evident with its long track list, including 16 pre-released tracks and the five new “vault tracks” that she added. One by one, I wasRead More

Learning English is Torturously Awesome

Learning English is Torturously Awesome

Features, Op-Ed November 2, 2023 at 12:00 pm Comments are Disabled

By: Shunsuke Higuchi | Staff Writer Learning another language broadens your perspective on the world and allows you to talk to new people while finding unique cultures. Among a seemingly endless number of languages, English has been the most dominant and convenient language in the world, and many people are learning English every day worldwide. Some people who learned EnglishRead More