Post Tagged with: "thesis"

Successful Weekend For English Department Thesis Presentations

Successful Weekend For English Department Thesis Presentations

Campus April 24, 2018 at 2:00 pm 1 comment

By Emma O’Grady | Staff Writer If you are an English Literature of Communications major here at Salve Regina you will know that senior thesis presentations have just passed in a rousing success. On Friday afternoon and Saturday morning this past weekend, all graduating English majors presented their final senior theses at DiStefano Lecture Hall in the Antone Academic Center. SeniorRead More

Final Features: Defining Stephanie Menders

Final Features: Defining Stephanie Menders

Features April 24, 2017 at 12:00 am Comments are Disabled

By Catherine Kierce | Associate Editor As part of a new series, Mosaic would like to recognize its graduating seniors. As they move on to the next stage of their life, we would like to acknowledge their time as members of the newspaper and the greater Salve community. This week, we recognize managing editor Stephanie Menders. When asked last week what was a definingRead More