By: Caroline McKay
Posted In: Opinion

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The holidays are here and college students will soon return home for a winter break. What’s on the wish list this year?
Both adults and kids are going nuts for Nintendo Wii. Guys want cool gadgets from Best Buy and young women want the usual- Louis Vuitton, clothing gift certificates, and hot holiday winter boots. Though people are scrounging around and putting together their pennies to buy their friends and family presents, there’s a less expensive gift whose worth is undoubtedly priceless. Would you ever consider adopting a dog or cat from a local shelter? The holidays are all about the gift of giving. You can give a friend or family a new pet and also give the gift of life. Saving an animal is not a lot of money. A small adoption fee would cost less than $100. So what can you get for less than $100 that you can enjoy for years to come? For people who have never had a dog or cat they may not know what an animal can do to a family. A pet’s sole priority is to be part of the family and bring you joy. As the winter air rushes in, many stray animals may suffer. One of the most well-known shelters is The Potter League for Animals in Middletown, Rhode Island. They have been a no-kill animal shelter that has taken in hundreds of animals in the Newport area and successfully gave them a family. Maybe this holiday you can save an animal. All money would be in the form of donations to the Potter League. For the price of one pair of Uggs, you could have a new member of the family to spend your holidays with. The Potter League also has a great website that showcases the animals and gives any information you would like to know. The people that work and volunteer there are friendly and would love to hear from you if you want to give them a ring at 401-846-8276 or visit them at Middletown at 87 Oliphant Lane. If you absolutely cannot adopt a pet, consider another gift. By donating money to the shelter, you would be giving a better gift – a gift of selflessness. Any amount of money would be much appreciated. Whether it’s a $1 or $100, it would be put to use. People are so concerned with clothes, shoes, gadgets and other material things for the holidays. Let this holiday season be the time to really give to those who need it.