By: Timothy Lynch
Posted In: News

Photo credit: Donna Harrington-Lueker
DJ’s at WSRU
WSRU Seahawk Nation, the university’s own Internet radio station, features a plethora of genres so one can rock out to all kinds of music, laugh along to comedy, and get play-by-play action when live sports are broadcast onto the air.
Student run WSRU radio station features “Real Hip Hop” as DJ’s “Aladdin aka Mowgli”, “Jae Radd”, “B-Love” and ” Big Rob aka Chicken Grease” (Kevin Varkey ’10, Jarad Grossi ’10, Bryan Amritt ’09, and Robert Toribio’09 respectively) light up the airwaves on Tuesday nights from 9 until 11. Listeners can tune in as Underground “Gives you the smooth, magic carpet ride” tunes to jam to and can support the DJs by requesting music, “hollas” (shout outs) to birthday boys and girls, friends and roommates alike. The request line is 401-341-2450, or IM Amritt’s screen name; snapmytendon. Underground brings a fun atmosphere to Garden Floor, Wakehurst, where the studio is located. “I’m extremely happy I stopped by to support the West Coast Hip Hop theme,” said Kristina “KP” Peterson, ’09. “The music is so hot, playing hardcore underground stuff and also some music for the ladies.” The show M&M (Meg and Mary) sends a “Woogie” out to all their listeners. M&M features feel good music. “We play music to promote happiness, and are on the air to make differences,” Mary stated. “Even the small differences, like getting soup with every meal in Global Café, we’re here with a “pay it forward” mentality. Good music, good causes, come support!” WSRU is on the air Mondays from 5 until 7 and takes requests using the screen name WSRUrequests. The station is available 24/7 for students to tune in to. Facebook groups are also available under WSRU with information about what’s coming up and what the station has to offer. Shows are available at .