All New Mosaic!

By Emily Ferro-

Along with the warm weather and sunshine that come with the months of spring comes a time of change. Flowers bloom, birds sing, and people are no longer boarded into their homes trying to keep warm. Spring quickly gives way to the euphoria of summer, and those who are lucky enough to have a true summer vacation are left alone to fully enjoy the gift of free time. Somehow when the descent into fall begins, everything that has changed becomes apparent.

Some of these changes work in everyone’s benefit: roadwork being done that provides people with smoother streets to drive on, new classes with new professors to provide students with a different pathway to knowledge, and a new website for the school newspaper to give students opportunities to view broadcast news, twitter feeds, and photos of the goings-on around campus.

The trick to all this change is that none of it occurs overnight. Roads are worked on day and night, teachers attend training workshops, and websites may have an “in progress” stage.

As readers may be noticing, the Mosaic site is one of these sites that are getting a makeover. With this change, the staff anticipates an easier reading experience for all visitors to the site. There are many new features to the site. Among these are a twitter feed which is updated by our staff that will be present at sports games, campus events, and other events around Newport. Another new addition is out Flickr feed, posting pictures of events in between issues. Readers should keep an eye out for photos of themselves, friends, and classmates!

The Mosaic staff is also endeavoring into a form of journalism that is new to the site – Broadcast news. The staff hopes to produce one new broadcast news video with each of our new issues. These will be videos from events and around the town bringing the news directly to the reader in a new media form.

With all these new additions, unfortunately the site is not quite in full function. The archives are in the process of being replaced and will hopefully be up before the next issue. In the mean time, the staff would like to wish you happy reading and an enjoyable time exploring our brand new site.

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