By: Brianna Carter
Posted In: Entertainment

Photo credit: Brianna Carter
Cityscape in Espana.

Photo credit: Brianna Carter
Brianna Carter looks out over a landscape. Carter, a Mosaic Correspondent, relays her experiences as she travels through Spain.
Things have gotten better here in Spain. I can finally say that I am happy to be here and I am not as homesick as I was before. I believe that thinking positive and staying occupied has gotten me through this experience as well as prayer. One night I prayed for a better day, and ever since then, I have felt better about my stay in Spain.
Since I arrived here, I have taken an interest in observing the culture. I think the food is different for the most part, but it’s always good to try something new. If you want a break, you can always go to a McDonald’s or a Burger King, but even the food at those places doesn’t taste exactly the same. Seville also has different items on the menu that comply with the culture and eating habits of the Sevillanos. The styles of dress are similar to our own-at least when it comes to the youth and young adults of Seville. The most popular hairstyles here are the Mullet and Mohawk, which at times look pretty funny, but just about everyone has their hair styled one way or the other. Going out with my intercambio, Magdalena (an intercambio is a person from Seville who you meet once a week to practice speaking Spanish or just someone to hang out with in general), is a lot of fun because I get to see exactly how a student my age lives in Seville. Not only do I get to learn from her, but I have the opportunity to learn from her friends as well. To keep busy over the weekends, I recently went to Portugal, Madrid and Toledo. I spent three days in Lagos, Portugal, in a hotel by the beach. It was so pretty, and I wish I could go back. While I was there, I went on a sailboat ride and was able to go through caves located in the Atlantic Ocean. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to communicate with anyone from Portugal, but everyone there speaks English because of the tourism there. I spent two days in Madrid where I visited a couple of museums, such as El Museo del Prado, and saw El Palacio Real. I almost saw Jennifer Lopez at a hotel she was staying at, but she left out of another door! At night I stayed in a hostel. It was a little strange staring a room with nine other people you didn’t know before, but I was only there to sleep, so it was OK. In Toledo my friends and I went to visit the cathedral and the palace, El Alcazar, where the Reyes Catolicos, Isabel and Fernando, once lived. We also went to the museums of El Greco, who was and still is a famous for his paintings, and then we took a tourist train around the city at night. Until next time.Adios!